The Pond is hazy... The scumleaf-smokin' doom-spewing Lord Scum have arrived! Prepare for the Scumageddon as they awaken The Putrid One from his inebriated slumber. The whirlpool's swirling, it's time to dive!
Stream & Download!
Lord Scum has risen to spread this offering from the internet to your soul...

...and he blesseth you with Free Downloads on Bandcamp...
(Full Album also on Secret Awesome YouTube!)
Inhale Communion
In the Kingdom of Lord Scum, scumleaf grows on every tree so that we all may take communion from The Putrid One, for the leaves are his hair and the pipe his lungs.
4/20 Album Release Show
An eye-witness account of the summoning ritual of Lord Scum.
Watch the extended cut, HERE.
Check out this bootleg of Lord Scum's first feature role! You can't escape the pit! of! The! STANKOR!
Secret Awesome Records & Junk
Find Lord Scum and other secret awesome stuff here!
Contact Lord Scum through any of these sites or send an email to Secret Awesome Headquarters.